Per Asperam Ad Astra

contact r_sail
all images © 2008

火曜日, 6月 26


My friend is an audio production student
and I've been helping him with some of
his projects. One of which was to put
music to this footage. I mapped out the
track with the basic rhythm programing
and ambient keyboards, he added additional
precussion and the random sound effects.
We only had about two hours to do it, and
Reason was our only music creation option,
but we thought it was pretty cool. Your milage,
however, may vary. This is the other end of
what I like to do with my time and I thought
it would be cool to post it. Enjoy.


Anonymous 匿名 said...

Holy shit....DJ Sail.

I likey, very cool beat, and kinda haunting. What are you using for software, if I may ask?

6:45 午後  
Blogger Sail said...

We used Reason for the music because that's all there was on the school computer, the schools SFX library for the sound effects, and Pro Tools to put it all together.

I would have liked to do it at home where I have my keyboards and Native Instruments, but that wasn't allowed per the assignment... nor did we have the time.

When I have some of my music done (I've taken a long break from it), I'll probably post it up here. I'm looking for an iPOD widget for blogs, but I can't rememebr where I saw it and I can't find it on google either. Damn.

7:01 午後  


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